Robert B. Reed
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Genealogy Page

Several years ago, when I was going through my mother's things after she moved into a retirement center, I came across a genealogical chart that my grandfather had done about 50 years ago. Until that time, I had never thought much about investigating my family roots, but I became very interested in this chart, which showed when and where family members lived, which ship they came to America on (3 came on the Mayflower), who had fought in the Revolutionary War, and many other points of interest. One of the early entries mentioned a reference to another genealogy tracing that person's ancestry back to a 12th century Dutch knight, while another mentioned an ancestor who fought with William the Conqueror in 1066 AD.

These tidbits piqued my interest and I found that tracing one's family roots could be an enjoyable and fascinating hobby. The Internet provides some effective and efficient search tools for facilitating the research and other good information on how to conduct genealogical research. Using these tools I have recently been expanding my genealogy by searching for names in my grandfather's chart or others listed in the genealogy that I have built from my research. To date, my genealogy lists some 2500 names, and I have tapped into some lines in genealogical sites on the web going back to England, Scandinavia, and France to about 200-300 AD.

Of the various news groups and resources, the one I have generally found most helpful is the search function of Altavista.

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