Robert B. Reed
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Some Christian Organizations

Inclusion of an organization in this section does not necessarily imply endorsement, nor does omission necessarily imply disapproval.

  • Peacemakers Ministry: A ministry dedicated to reconciliation, conflict resolution, mediation, and arbitration in a Christian framework.
  • Theophostic Ministry: A ministry dedicated to helping people shine God's Light into their life experiences.
  • Summer Institute of Linguistics: A linguistic research organization involved in minority language research in almost 1000 languages of more than 50 countries.
  • Campus Crusade for Christ "is an interdenominational ministry committed to helping take the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations. We cooperate with millions of Christians from churches of many denominations and hundreds of other Christian organizations around the world to help Christians grow in their faith and share the gospel message with their fellow countrymen."
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes
  • Institute for Christian Leadership "provides resources to Christian higher education institutions... including publishing the Faculty Dialogue and hosting writing seminars and workshops for faculty that address the critical issues facing Christian higher education."
  • InterVarsity Christian Fellowship has a vision "to build collegiate fellowships, develop disciples who embody Biblical values, and engage the campus in all its ethnic diversity with the gospel of Jesus Christ."
  • Promise Keepers: "is a Christ-Centered ministry dedicated to uniting men through vital relationships to become Godly influences in their world."

Christian Missions

  • Brigada "is a system of conferences and forums that allow you to network with others who share common interests in sharing God's love with previously unreached cities and peoples around the world."
  • Fingertip -- Missions on the Internet
  • Jews for Jesus is an organization founded "to proclaim the message of the Messiah to all people." This site contains discussion of various topics, music samples, and other topics of interest to Jewish and Gentile Christians, and those interested in how a Jew can believe that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah.
  • Wycliffe Bible Translators: a Bible translation organization with the following mission: "Our corporate mission is to glorify God in obedience to the Great Commission through a unique strategy that integrates Scripture translation, scholarship and service so that all people will have access to God's Word in their own language."
  • Youth With a Mission: "is an international movement of Christians working to help make a difference in a needy world.... They believe the gospel of Jesus is not just about words, but also actions. So they share their faith through many different kinds of practical help--from agricultural training to running medical clinics--as well as telling about the Christian beliefs that inspire their actions."

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